
Vintage Postcards

July 26th, 2014|For fun, France|

Part of the pleasure of wandering the streets of small-town France is spotting little gems like these racks full of postcards of those famous vintage French posters from back in the day. Maybe one day when I actually settle down [...]

Paris Balconies

July 20th, 2014|art prints|

I have a friend in Paris who invites me over often. She used to live in the 15th arrondissement until a couple of years ago when her growing family needed more space and they ended up in a lovely apartment [...]

Sunlit Alley in Paris

July 16th, 2014|Travel|

Summertime light shining down into a little-used alley, window boxes, those typical French street signs, and the occasional neighbor passing through... I love these scenes that show a common view for those who live around here, but are nothing short of charming [...]

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