
Boite à Lettres

March 5th, 2014|For fun|

Today's the day I head back to my second home... la Belle Paris! Yep, I'll be the one packed in those planes comme une sardine, but it'll all be worth it once I'm settled and see my friends again. The [...]

Love from Paris

February 13th, 2014|For fun, Travel|

Well, tomorrow is Valentine's Day and therefore a day when lovers all over the City will be eating a little bit richer food, snuggling a little closer, and kissing a little longer. Who knows... maybe French men will even ogle [...]


February 12th, 2014|For thought, Travel|

One of the biggest culture shocks I get when I return to the States is how green spaces are not (or no longer?) valued here as they are in Europe. I struggle to relate to the desire for more stone, [...]

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